One such visit recently took me to the beautiful and picturesque Island of Anguilla. You can reach this Island via San Juan or better yet the Ferry from St. Maarten. Nothing like starting out on a boat ride to a romantic destination.
This Island with its spectacular views of the Caribbean at almost every angle, provides the perfect backdrop to a Caribbean destination wedding or honeymoon. The Islanders are proud of their destination, and go out of their way to be hospitable. Sailing is a national sport and it was amazing to see the festivities surrounding a local event of boat racing. Beach parties, cars following the boats around the Island, I am sure lots of betting, and serious celebration at the end of the race.
But I am ahead of myself. Having arrived on the Island, I was whisked off to the fabulous Malliouhana Hotel. There I was welcomed by the Resort Manager, Bart van Deventer. This is somewhat normal in my line of work, but I was amazed to see that this was not a 'special' greeting for me, but one that is extended to all guests. You are truly welcomed, at this property.
The resort was opened in 1984 and since then have garnered a worldwide following and numerous awards. Upon arrival and seeing the layout, vista and hospitality of the staff you can fully understand why they are considered one of the finest resorts in the Caribbean. The hotel is perched on a cliff overlooking the bluest waters of the Caribbean and is situated on 26 acres.
My very large room was elegantly done, and the large terrace overlooked the Caribbean Sea. Upon visiting the rest of the hotel, I realised my room was 'ordinary' compared to the suites and villas. Each one was more beautiful than the other. A perfect place to host a destination wedding, have the honeymoon of your dreams or just a great place for a romantic retreat.
Malliouhana Hotel has a staff ratio of four per room, two per guest. In keeping with the resort's elegantly casual style, no jackets and ties are required in the main restaurant where guests enjoy French cuisine with Caribbean flair. And now the wine cellar!! The 25,000 bottle wine cellar is the largest in the Caribbean and hold the Wine Spectator Grand Award every year since 1999. I also visited the Spa, and again every amenity to soother mind, body and soul.
The planning and execution of weddings at this hotel, is like no other. Every attention to detail is observed, respected and done according to the wishes of the couple. The wedding coordinator is Ms. Chantelle Davis and her contact information is:chantal.davis@malliouhana.com (264-497-6111 xtn.407) And if you think this is out of your reach, try again as, like all Caribbean properties catering to this market, there are many pricing levels.
Next day was a very busy one, and I attended some local events as the guest of the Chief Minister. It was the weekend of the 43rd Anniversary of the Anguilla Revolution and it was celebrated in style. I attended a luncheon of senior citizens (the Chief Minister hosts all senior citizens on the Island at a special luncheon - transportation provided to pick them up and take them back to their respective residences). Island music finished off this fabulous luncheon, and it was a joy to see senior citizens dance to the local beat. It was then off to prepare and attend the Service of Thanksgiving In observance of the Revolution at the St.Mary's Parish Church. This was fully attended and the young minister who spoke was riveting.
A visit to Anguilla should be a 'must' on your travel list. For more information on the beautiful island of Anguilla, visit http://www.MarryCaribbean.com.