I pray for the people of this region, I pray for the dead, but most of all I pray for the living, as they are the ones that will be facing the many tomorrows. My appreciation goes out to the many relief workers, the countries that are sending in much needed aid, the airlines and cruise lines plying the Caribbean route, and all those who are working or contributing to this great relief effort.
I am from the Caribbean: I watch out for the people of the region: I watch out for the business of the Caribbean: I lend my expertise and help wherever I can or whenever I am needed:In most cases I do not wait to be asked: These are my people: These are my families: I am committed to helping.
I would kindly ask all Governments presently running television commercials promoting the enjoyment of travel to the region, to graciously instruct your marketing agents in the North American Market to immediately suspend all advertising television commercials. If you do not have a clause in your contract to suspend advertising immediately without penalty, you should take your 'Strategic Marketing Thinker' to task.
This shows respect for your brother/sister country, and from a financial position it is a waste of your marketing dollars to have your commercials blaring during any catastrophe.
The majority of the Caribbean is very well schooled in the art of crisis management and disaster preparedness, perhaps, just perhaps you could also have a standard message developed by your STM (Strategic Marketing Thinker)that could take the place of the lovely message of fun and frolic in the beauty of what is considered the 'Oasis the Western Hemisphere', the Caribbean of course.
Again I pray for relief for the people of Haiti and know that the world is watching and with God's Blessings tomorrow will be a better day.
"The worries which we meet each day, May lie as stumbling blocks across our way Or we may make them stepping stones to be of Grace, O Lord to Thee. Anna E. Hamilton