Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Love Endures All Things, Even A Struggling Economy

To say that 2008 was a difficult year, was truly an understatement. However, one constant seems to be the resilient Wedding & Honeymoon markets. You can imagine my surprise and subsequent confirmation that this market is truly one that defies our present economic downturn when I read the update from Holiday Inn Aruba and Jamaica Resorts, that they were setting Destination Weddings Record.

This information was published December 22, 2008 and is as follows:

"Wedding bells rang at a record pace at the Holiday Inn Resorts Aruba & Jamaica in 2008, as the sister properties combined to host 525 destination weddings throughout the year". It goes on to say: " Love endures all things, even a struggling economy. People have and will continue to get married. With our program enabling brides and grooms to affordably tie the knot in wonderfully unique and memorable ways, we expect this market to remain strong for us into 2009 and beyond." (Raul Villagram, Director of Sales & Marketing)

The research gathered from seems to confirm this. There is an increase in questions as it relates to Destination Weddings more so than just honeymoons. Because of the economy more people are getting married; two can live as cheaply as one, and where one may lose a job the other has health benefits, but of course love trumps all things. goal is to be the best single source for wedding and honeymoon planning in the Caribbean. Recent activity for the month of December/January reveals a high interest in the Caribbean. But of course anyone operating in this industry knows that we are in the highest engagement season.

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