Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Hurricane Update

Living in Paradise certainly does have a few drawbacks. But then you think of the Northeast in the United States with snow storms and you can see why visiting or living in the Caribbean, is a constant draw for visitors and residents alike.

The residents of the Caribbean are adept at living with this seasonal problem (hurricane) knowing full well that when the hurricane passes by, they are guaranteed warm weather and beautiful beaches. It is truly amazing, after a hurricane passes, if there are no downed trees or flooding, the sunshine and calm returns, just as if nothing happened.

For the past two years, the Caribbean has been spared this upheaval. It seems the United States is getting more of this weather phenomenon. Anyway, it is a season and this season usually ends in October.

The hotels and Governments of the respective Caribbean Islands, are adept at handling this seasonal problem and they all have emergency preparedness ready to assist each other and take care of their guests.

Unfortunately sometimes lives and properties are lost, but collectively they are a resilient lot.

Please do not hesitate to continue with your travel arrangements. You will not lose your deposit or any monies due to hurricane cancellation. All hotels and airlines make accommodations to their respective guests. So continue with your travel plans and most of all enjoy this Oasis of the Western Hemisphere - the Caribbean Islands.

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