I had the pleasure of being in Puerto Rico for the FCCA conference and was truly delighted to be there.
Puerto Rico is a wonderful destination - lots of charm, romance, history, food and culture. No where is this more evident than in Old San Juan. A truly magnificent city with some of the best shopping in the Caribbean. From the Coach outlets, Ralph Lauren outlets, etc. local stores: but most of all the history. From the cobblestone streets to the historic cathedral, it is a feast for the mind. Nothing I can say in this very short roundup, can do justice to the beauty and charm of Puerto Rico.
FCCA - 18th Annual Cruise Conference
This was held at the 'state-of-the-art" Puerto Rico Conference center and was well attended by all with an interest in the cruise market. From Governments to attractions, the display of products or what the destinations have to offer to entice more ships to visit the region, was abundantly displayed. Walking the aisles when not meeting 'one & one' all the cruise executives turned out for this major event.
I attended all the sessions where the cruise executives were speaking and the mantra was almost the same. 'While we love the Caribbean, we will be putting more ships in the European/Asian markets where we can get a higher rate from passengers'. And the brilliant idea of the day is - Have your local school children greet the ships in their uniforms - this would really please the visitors to your shores. I sat there thinking, I am not hearing this right, but since it was repeated continuously, yes I did hear correctly. Unfortunately, during the question and answer period, I yielded the floor to those with more pressing concerns. However, I would like to state that "Children belong in school and not at Cruise Ship Piers welcoming anybody". They are our future leaders!!
Please be advised that the relationship with the Great Bridal Expo has been terminated. The bridal industry is one of constant change, and as the habits of the engaged couple changes, so must we change along with it.
Monday, October 10, 2011
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
I am always preaching about the importance of Travel Agents in the Destination Wedding/Honeymoon market vs. the United States based Wedding Planner - and recently had the opportunity to visit Mexico to see over 170 Destination Wedding Planners in action. But I am getting ahead of myself.
IDO DestinationWeddings.com recently had their annual symposium at the El Dorado Royale Hotel in Mexico. Approximately 300 in attendance - and the hotel/government/additional private sector made sure this was a memorable event. I was very impressed. This company - DestinationWeddings.com provides a full service 'one stop shopping" approach to destination weddings and romance travel. And heading this dynamic company is a veteran - Edward Cotton - COO (Email:ECotton@DestinationWeddings.com).
Of course with over 170 Home Based Agents in attendance, all the major wholesalers were there to sponsor events and plead their case as to why they should be the preferred vendor: GOGO Worldwide Vacations, Travel Impressions, Funjet Vacations, Classic Vacations, Pleasant Holidays, Aeromexico and the various Tourism partners.
Ed is quite proud of the fact that his merry band of home based agents have planned more than 12,000 successful destination weddings and has helped plan travel for more than 250,000 attending guests.And most important - these travel specialists work with the local wedding planners to get the job done.
As one who is always on the look out for her trusted travel partners - I had a discussion with Ed to find out if this symposium had a permanent home in Mexico or will he give other destinations the opportunity to bid on this event. He advised me that the next symposium (2012) will have approximately 600 - 800 in attendance and yes, he will put it out for bidding. After observing the elements of this event, I can say it is going to be a tough act to follow for any other destination
The hospitality of Karisma Hotels (El Dorado Royale, El Dorado Maroma and the Azul Beach) was above and beyond. This was hospitality at its finest. Each event outdid the other. The Mayan wedding ceremony on the beach at the El Dorado Maroma was awe inspiring and this was followed by a beach buffet extravaganza topped off with the Mayan Cultural dance. The final banquet was held at the El Dorado Royale and the ballroom was created to be a night of a million stars. I would say this was fantastic, but words cannot do this evening justice. The Sky Wedding Venue party at the Azul Beach Hotel provided an overview of the property with the beach and the sunset forming the backdrop. And overseeing all this was none other than Mandy Chomat VP Sales & Marketing: Premier Worldwide Marketing, KARISMA hotels.
Any destination, hotel or travel agent looking for an introduction, please contact me at: Jacqueline@MarryCaribbean.com
I am again working with Fox Television (Ct/Mass.) in promoting the Dream Wedding Contest. Participation comes with a very small price tag and if you have an interest, please let me know. The British Virgin Islands was the featured honeymoon destination in la
st year's Dream Wedding contest.
Keeping this blog relatively short today as I need to touch bases with loved one and friends in the Virginia area with regards to the earthquake.
Friday, July 15, 2011
The business of weddings in the Caribbean is an important and profitable one, and I would like to take this opportunity to remind the Governments of the Caribbean who focus on this niche market to protect the citizens and their industry.
There are some destinations that are exempt from this as they are part of the US territory, so little if anything can be done.
Too many times, Governments 'allow' visitors to compete with their citizens for these jobs: it could be a wedding planner, photographer or any other 'expert' from stateside, who knows the territory well enough that they can bypass the laws. Obviously, some do come under the guise as guests. Each destination must enforce its work permit laws - as Caribbean Nationals would not be given the opportunity to work in other countries without the benefit of work permits. Most times, they cannot even get into the country.
Other travel service providers have an interest in bringing their guests to get married in the region, and of course the only benefit to the destination would be the paltry sum paid to the Officiant. The photographer, catering, restaurant, local wedding planner, and all who work in the industry are completely left out of the equation. It should be mandatory if it is not already, that a local Service Provider becomes the 'lead' on this event.
Then there is the fallacy of inviting Wedding Planners at a cost to the destination for the various symposiums or fact finding missions as they will send their valued clients to get married in the destination. From experience, no one is about to hand over their business to someone else, much less send their revenue stream to a destination where they have no control. This is far and few between. You want to increase the number of weddings into your region, you need to have a strong marketing/pr program which should include travel agents.
Caribbean destinations need to make sure their Service Providers for this industry are 'on top of their game' and that they are included in all of their wedding/honeymoon marketing promotion
You've got the best, say so! Do not allow competitors to denigrate your skilled and valuable
service providers. If you feel they are not up to the task, bring in qualified trainers to kick start the industry. And why is this important to me? As one who hails from the region, it is my pet peeve.
There are some destinations that are exempt from this as they are part of the US territory, so little if anything can be done.
Too many times, Governments 'allow' visitors to compete with their citizens for these jobs: it could be a wedding planner, photographer or any other 'expert' from stateside, who knows the territory well enough that they can bypass the laws. Obviously, some do come under the guise as guests. Each destination must enforce its work permit laws - as Caribbean Nationals would not be given the opportunity to work in other countries without the benefit of work permits. Most times, they cannot even get into the country.
Other travel service providers have an interest in bringing their guests to get married in the region, and of course the only benefit to the destination would be the paltry sum paid to the Officiant. The photographer, catering, restaurant, local wedding planner, and all who work in the industry are completely left out of the equation. It should be mandatory if it is not already, that a local Service Provider becomes the 'lead' on this event.
Then there is the fallacy of inviting Wedding Planners at a cost to the destination for the various symposiums or fact finding missions as they will send their valued clients to get married in the destination. From experience, no one is about to hand over their business to someone else, much less send their revenue stream to a destination where they have no control. This is far and few between. You want to increase the number of weddings into your region, you need to have a strong marketing/pr program which should include travel agents.
Caribbean destinations need to make sure their Service Providers for this industry are 'on top of their game' and that they are included in all of their wedding/honeymoon marketing promotion
You've got the best, say so! Do not allow competitors to denigrate your skilled and valuable
service providers. If you feel they are not up to the task, bring in qualified trainers to kick start the industry. And why is this important to me? As one who hails from the region, it is my pet peeve.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Today, I would like to provide an overview of the tremendous buying power of this market. LGBT leisure travelers (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender).
According to renowned Forrester Research, this market of more than 7 million generates more than $41 Billion per year on their personal and leisure travel. They also tend to be more engaged with online travel booking than straight travelers. In comparison to the rest of the travel population, the incidence of rental cars and flights is much greater, but to successfully sell to LGBT travelers you must understand that your success depends on offering the right travel content – in the right way.
Getting your content right is the most important element in developing a successful LGBT leisure travel business strategy. It is more important than social media, more important than mobile and more important than marketing. Why, because next to content, everything else is window dressing.* Travel firms that lack relevant content have nothing distinct to sell to LGBT travelers. I would also like to add that this goes for the rest of the population. In developing your content remember to:-
A. Sell both LGBT and general travel products. 49% of LGBT leisure travelers take trips to visit family and friends, so provide easy access to and promote your mainstream message and content.
B. Make it clear why a destination or hotel is LGBT-friendly.
C. LGBT leisure travelers have unique concerns. For example, is it acceptable for same-sex couples to hold hands in public? Are there LGBT-friendly neighborhoods, restaurants or clubs?
D. Will hotel check-in be pleasant or awkward? These are not unimportant details as 31% of LGBT travelers avoid cities/destinations where they feel the welcome mat has been rolled up and 32% avoid hotels where written or visual copy fails to make them feel welcome.
E. This is business - $41 Billion worth – not politics:
F. There are some destinations & service providers that have benefited from this alliance – Philadelphia whose visitphilly.com site includes a link to LGBT content Kimpton Hotel & Restaurants, Expedia to name a few.
G. Do make sure your LGBT content is ‘upfront’ and visible, not hiding behind pages of other things: preferably starting out on the ‘home page’.
Average Age - 42 years
Household Income - $77,325.00
Married/partnered - 49%
Vacation of 4-7days - 47%
Vacation of 8+ days - 26%
The above is just for general market travel. Can you imagine the destination or hotel that caters to the honeymoon/romance market and the tremendous revenues that can be earned from the rush of weddings in the next month and onward?
New York is a great 'feeder' market for the Caribbean! Think about that.
I am in the process of featuring all Hotels and Travel Suppliers who focus on this market segment on http://www.MarryCaribbean.com. Caribbean Hotels, please do not hesitate to send me relevant information on your company/hotel for inclusion. Email:Jacqueline@MarryCaribbean.com
Monday, May 16, 2011

Here you will also find Caribbean countries offering incredible deals and providing you with the most updated information on where to go, and what to do. Come listen to the sounds of the Caribbean, the taste of the Caribbean and meet the people of the Caribbean. A fun and informative day for all.
We do want to thank all the sponsors who make this possible. If you would like to participate, do not hesitate to contact me. Information below.
WHERE: Grand Central, New York WHEN: June 8, 2011 TIME: Approximately 2:30pm
[ X ] Wedding Gown______ Demetrios/For The Bride Magazine
[ X ] Tuxedo______1888MyTuxes.com by Galleria Invitations, Favors and Tuxedos
[__] Wedding Rings – Hers____Goldfinger Jewelry/Marigot, St. Martin
[__] Wedding Rings – His_____Goldfinger Jewelry/Marigot, St. Martin
[ X ] Honeymoon_________ American Airlines/Ottley’s Plantation Inn – St. Kitts
[_X] Photography_____________Dwayne Bishop Photography
[_x] Soloist_________________Marenda Perry, “Soprano of Spirit”
[ X ] Bridal Knife & Fork____ MarryCaribbean.com
[ X ] Wedding Cake ___________Kantours/Sponsored by St.Kitts
[__] Officiant ______________Anguilla Tourist Board
[_x] Flowers_________________St. Vincent& The Grenadines
[__] Glasses/plates/forks____Global Bridal Group
[_X] Hotel in New York for bride/groom (2 nights)____Barry Brown/Afar Magazine
[__] Champagne (4 bottles)___British Virgin Islands
[X_] Hair & MakeUP__________Hermies Salon – Hermione Fraser
Island Gifts for Bride & Groom (To be presented the day of wedding) WILL NOT BE INCLUDED IN ONLINE PROMOTION
Program launched on Valentine’s Day:
• MarryCaribbean.com
• MarryCaribbean Press Release
• CaribbeanWeddingAssociation.com
• Essence.com
. Caribbean Tourism Organization
List of additional publicity outlets to come…
Contact: Jacqueline Johnson | Email: Jacqueline@MarryCaribbean.com | Office: 203-461-8423
This will confirm ____________________________________ agreement to support CTO’s sponsorship solicitation effort for Wedding Celebration contest.
Sponsors will benefit from the following promotional elements:
•On the home page of MarryCaribbean.com, GlobalWeddingResource.com CaribbeanWeddingAssociation.com
•Details of all honeymoons packages will be posted online, along with an image, logo
•Exposure on Social networks, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, etc.
•Included in all publicity materials generated for sweepstakes and wedding
•Brochure distribution at the MarryCaribbean.com booth
•Promotion on Caribbean Tourism Organization website
SPONSOR agrees to provide the prize as outlined below:
Approximate Retail Value: US $____________
AUTHORIZED BY: Name:__________________________________________ Company:
Address: Tel:______________________ Fax:__________________ Email:__________________
Signature:_______________________________________ Date: __________________
Materials due by May 20, 2011 include: 35 words of copy, prize description copy, gift certificate/letter, Brochure.
Please return completed form to:
Jacqueline Johnson - MarryCaribbean.com
Phone: 203-461-8423 | Email: Jacqueline@MarryCaribbean.com, GlobalBridalGroup@gmail.com
Monday, March 21, 2011

It is therefore a difficult task at best to name the top ten beaches. Hence, when the Travel Channel decided to focus on this, I was a captive audience. Here is their top ten pick, beginning with #1:
Harbour Island - Bahamas
Tulum - Mexico
Negril - Jamaica
Puerto Rico
British Virgin islands
Exhuma - Bahamas
Necker Islands - British Virgin islands
Montego Bay - Jamaica
I waited and waited to see if I had listed them all correctly, as I patiently waited to hear the United States Virgin Islands mentioned. I do not know if you have ever been to St. John, but the beach there is beyond breathtaking. What about Aruba, Turks & Caicos and so many others. I know it is most difficult to do top ten of anything, but I guess an awareness of the region does benefit all.
With the wedding & honeymoon audience looking to solidify their lifestage event at one of these breathtaking islands, I am sure this will remind them of where they need to go to celebrate their love.
Getting married or enjoying a honeymoon in the Caribbean is still on the wish list of all engaged couples.
Sunday, March 13, 2011

This event will 'kick off' with a fair at Lincoln Center and to further enhance and promote the event - The Global Bridal Group, consisting of http://www.MarryCaribbean.com, http://www.CaribbeanWeddingAssociation.com and http://www.GlobalWeddingResource.com in conjunction with the Caribbean Tourism Organization - will marry a lucky couple. This lucky couple will have a gown designed by Ali Lue and the honeymoon given by the British Virgin islands. A fabulous and romantic destination.
Opportunities are still available for all Governments/hotels to participate. Kindly email me: jacqueline@MarryCaribbean.com.
The rest of the week will have a mixture of meetings, a dynamic and informative Marketing Conference, the Annual Government's of the Caribbean State Ball and ending on the 11th of June with Caribbean Film Screenings.
These public events are designed to bring awareness to the Caribbean and to put heads in beds. Most of all these events create and help build on the marketing efforts of each individual country. With a wedding. music, cultural shows in prime New York Media season, this event will most likely make all the television news, newspapers, bloggers and all media vehicle looking for news in a low period.
Public Relations companies, hotel representatives, Governments, travel agents, all should come together to make this one of the biggest events in New York. I do plan to keep you informed and to remind everyone of the importance of this event and why participation should be mandatory. It is Lincoln Center - June 4th on a Saturday, in New York. It does not come better than that.
If you have a candidate or you would like to enter the sweepstakes, please go to http://www.marryCaribbean.com for details. Start telling you friends, put it on your calendar, this is a must attend and fun event.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Travel Agents and marketers ESPECIALLY those in the Caribbean community, this should be a "must read". While there is an upsurge in spending for the wedding & honeymoon markets (a topic I will address in my next edit) market understanding and expansion of the changing lifestyles, should be clearly understood by all.
8 Game Changing Trends and What They Mean to You
by Marilee Crocker
What are the consumer trends that will shape your business in 2011 and beyond? When Travel Market Report asked the experts, we learned that seismic shifts are in play right now.
“Culture moves slowly. Every once in a while, there’s a huge quake. It’s happening now,” said trend consultant Daniel Levine.
Trends are not fads, noted Levine, executive director of the Avant-Guide Institute in New York. Trends are big picture forces that alter the way people think and feel, In 2011, those forces will be dramatic, and their impact profound. Take a look.
#1: Boomers! Boomers! Boomers! This year, baby boomers will celebrate their 65th birthdays at the rate of 10,000 people a day. These boomers have time, money and energy to spare; they are “a force with tsunamic proportions,” said consultant Ken Dychtwald. They also have a deep thirst for experiences, and that holds true across income levels.
“By the time you reach your 50th or 60th birthday, you understand that happiness is likely to come from having a great dinner with friends, a fabulous vacation, or discovering a new aspect of yourself,” said Dychtwald, founder and CEO of Age Wave in Emeryville, CA.
Implications: Boomers will value the expertise of travel consultants who can help them craft the fantastic experiences they want – trips that nourish, rejuvenate and enlighten, learning and volunteer vacations, customized adventures. There’s “too much at stake” for these travelers to book through the Internet, Dychtwald said. “It’s not: what is the cost of the airplane? It’s: what is the cost of that week in terms of its importance in my life?”
# 2: The search for meaning. The recession and its aftermath are renewing a consumer focus on meaningfulness, “making people look inward at things that are really important to them,” Levine said. What matters now are: families and friends; education and self-improvement; health and spirituality; creativity; community involvement; and the environment.
Implications: “Travelers are willing to spend a lot of money on travel experiences, but they need different reasons to spend it,” Levine said. “For agents, the real strength is in marketing what they have in a different way – offering it to their customers as valuable, meaningful experiences. You have to press different buttons.”
#3: Green! Green! Green! Environmental awareness is influencing consumer choices in a big way.
“Concern about sustainability and the planet is top of mind for everybody,” said James Canton, CEO of the Institute for Global Futures, a San Francisco firm that advises global Fortune 100 companies. At Avant-Guide, research shows that environmental concern is “the biggest social trend for the rest of our careers,” Levine said.
Implications: “Seek out companies doing green things that are cool. Use that as a selling tool. People are willing to pay more for things that are really important to them, and green issues are one of those main things,” Levine said.
The Institute for Global Futures is telling its key clients that “for every strategy, new product or service, you must pay attention to the fact that over 98% of consumers in every market worldwide view themselves as environmentalists,” Canton said.
#4: The influential consumer. Marketing has lost its power; consumers are the “new influentials,” according to Canton. “Brands selling direct to the consumer are now being substituted by consumers recommending to consumers. In some ways they’re hijacking brand marketing for all products.”
Implications: Travelers may be getting recommendations from other consumers via the Internet, “but the final arbiter is that intimate relationship with a knowledgeable agent,” Canton said. Travel sellers should be able to capitalize on their role as trusted advisor. “Travel agents can provide a reality check. Consumers want integrity of information,” Canton added.
#5: A defensive mindset. Consumers are hedging their bets against events or circumstances that might blow their budgets, said Alexandra Smith, global trends analyst for Mintel International Group in Chicago. “It’s this defensive mindset around spending.”
Among the indicators Smith cited are: divorce insurance, which covers the cost of divorce logistics; increased sales of frozen foods, because they won’t go bad; and wedding day insurance that reimburses couples if it rains on their special day.
Implications: Recommend all-inclusive travel options that make it easier to budget and suggest to customers that they buy trip insurance, “Look at creative forms of travel insurance that go beyond lost luggage - insurance that insures that you’re getting the best trip you can. There’s an opportunity for travel services providers to weave that into packages they sell,” Smith said.
#6: Strong women - with friends. Expect to see growing numbers of single women over 50 traveling with their friends, said Dychtwald of Age Wave. Compared to earlier generations, boomer women are “more highly educated, more empowered, more independent, more powerful in almost every single way.” Many have also inherited money from their husbands or parents, and they have a passion for learning.
Implications: Women Boomers are a market that’s ripe for the picking, said Kathy Dragon, founder of the search engine traveldragon.com and a consultant in new media. Travel sellers need only issue an artful invitation. “Women Boomers are taking up any invitation from friends to go anywhere where they can learn. They’re saying, ‘I’m going to South Africa. Do you want to come?’”
#7: Internet ubiquity. “The Internet will be everyplace. It’s converging with TV, with computing, with cell phones. It’s the convergence of all this information technology into one kind of appliance. Every consumer purchasing decision is going to be mediated by this convergence,” Canton said. “The move to mobile computing, mobile communications, mobile transactions is going to transform consumers - always-connected devices that give me choices.”
Implications: “Brands need to learn how to navigate this new territory,” Canton advised. “If you are ignorant of your digital persona in the world as a brand, if you’re not managing Twitter and Facebook [etc.], that’s a huge liability.”
Businesses need to keep three things in mind, Canton said: 1) it’s about influencing the influencers; 2) perception is reality; and 3) monitoring and understanding your reputation is more important than any ad a business can take out.
#8: Stories are trickling up. The way that news and cultural influences spread has undergone a profound change, said Lisa Johnson, CEO of the Reach Group in Portland, Ore., and an expert on women consumers.
“Things that are impacting culture and what we’re talking about are trickling up.” Johnson cited the power of social media to take one person’s angry TV interview and turn it into a video (“Bed Intruder Song”) that became YouTube’s most-watched video in 2010. “Things don’t come on slowly anymore. They come on like a flood, and they don’t have to be mainstream.”
Implications: Stories communicate and they spread quickly, so use the power of story in marketing and social media, Johnson said. “If you want to create influence, you tell a story. Story is the new flavor for marketing, the enduring flavor.”
Monday, January 3, 2011

I have decided to start the New Year off with truly thanking all the wonderful people I have had the good fortune to meet in the travel industry, and for all the support I have received throughout 2010. I am most blessed and fortunate to have so many wonderful people in my life.
Today, I digress from the business of bridal, destination weddings or Caribbean honeymoons to give an update of select individuals who are tops in their fields and are doing bigger and better things. One such individual is none other than Randy Doty. I do not know how many of you know this fabulous gentleman, but if you have the good fortune to meet, work with/for him, you will know that he is the all around best: In personality, behavior, industry knowledge, integrity, and in commitment. I am proud to call him friend, and I am proud to promote his new company and vision. He did not ask me to do so, and I am sure he will be absolutely surprised when he reads this.
Randy has been a Marketer in the hotel industry, for as long as I have known him and as you will see from the information below, is skilled and knowledgeable in all aspects of the hotel/travel industry. If you are in the process of revisiting or selecting a new marketing company, do consider Randy as he will go the extra mile for you.
Randy's Company is: "D&D ASSOCIATES, MARKETING & COMMUNICATIONS" P.O.Box 308771, St. Thomas, United States Virgin Islands 00803. Phone:340-771-1144 Email:rdotyvi@msn.com
"Let our Marketing & Communications Consultants customize a proposal tailored to your business needs, we offer a variety of standard services to our clients many of which are outlined below. If you need a project or service currently not listed in the information below please inquire. We also have affiliated partners or selected service providers where we will facilitate or provide introduction on your behalf.
Sales & Marketing
• Sales & Marketing Plan Development
• Sales Plan Deployment Development
• Sales Calls to the Travel Community & Travel Partners
• Brand Development & Business Pull-Thru Recommendations
• Contracting Services for Group or Wholesale Segments
• Contracting Services for Functions & Events
• Identification & Representation in Niche Markets (Dive, Wedding etc.)
• Segment Specific Plans to Target your Key Business Segments
• Develop a Recommended Annual Trade Show Plan
• Quarterly Plans & Actions for Company Associates
Communication & Public Relations
• Marketing & Communication Plan Development & Deployment
• Press Releases & Communications for Product Specific Industries
• Crisis Management Planning
• Package & Promotional Development for defined Products or Services
• Event Planning Services for Meetings or Destination Events
• Brochure, Flyer or E-Blast Development
• Social Networking Opportunities
Product Representation
• Overall Representation Services for Hotels, Resorts & Other Business
• New or Rebranded Product Launch
• Develop You Company Vision Session
• Industry Trade Show Coverage & Reservations Center Training
• Plan & Coordinate Familiarization Trips & Site Hosting Services
Operational Efficiencies
• Evaluate existing Operations Plan effectiveness for your Business>br>
• Review Staffing Guides and Schedules for Operational Efficiencies
• Time & Motion Study to target areas for Improvement
• Development of Job Descriptions & Daily Checklists to Maintain Efficiency
Service & Staffing Effectiveness
• Provide a comprehensive business evaluation from a shopper perspective
• Review existing guest comments or brand service scores & develop improvement plan with target dates.
D&D Associates can extend your business reach with our Affiliated Partners & Service Providers who can provide additional services to our Key Accounts. Let D&D Associates Marketing & Communications facilitate additional services or project completion to extend your business reach."
Any questions, do not hesitate to contact me: Jacqueline@marrycaribbean.com. Also do take time out to visit http://www.MarryCaribbean.com and see the new improvements on this site - promoting all things Caribbean. On this site you will also see the new Chinese portal - again promoting the Caribbean to over 50 million affluent Chinese travelers.
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